On Tue, 30 Aug 1994 11:12:12 EST Nathan Brindle said:
>> q f aposec52 mailtpl (flags
>Filelist entry from APOSEC52 FILELIST:
>filename filetype   GET PUT rfm lrecl nrecs   date     time   description
>-------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -----------
>APOSEC52 MAILTPL    OWN OWN V      79   307 94/08/30 11:07:05 Memo
>- This file is mapped to "00000032 APOSEC52" on the 191 minidisk.
And that is the problem. The file is mapped as 0000000032 aposec52 instead
of aposeac52 mailtpl.