Sorry to ask for information that is probably in the documentation, but
the documents I have don't include it.  We're having a small crisis on
[log in to unmask]  Apparently someone spread the word on another list,
TEACHART@SIVM, that our list address could be used interchangably with
theirs.  Now acrimonious art-teaching discussions are invading the
aerospace history list, and not all the participants are cooperating
with my private notes to them requesting that they address their notes
to the correct list.
If the two most inflammatory gentlemen don't acknowledge my notes
and move their debate to the proper list soon, I will want to keep them
from posting to AEROSP-L.  I don't want to close the list -- being a
co-owner on a closed list has shown me what a headache that can be.
I understand there is a way to bar a specific electronic address from
posting to a specific list, but thus far I can't find the instructions.
Something about "SERVE OFF", our postmistress said.  But she's out of
town at SHARE (the lucky lady) and none of the combinations of parameters
I have tried work.
Could some kind soul please send me the correct syntax?
Many thanks,
       |  Barbara Weitbrecht          |  (202) 357-4162        |
       |  Smithsonian Institution     |  [log in to unmask]  |
       |  National Air & Space Museum |  [log in to unmask]  |
       | AEROSP-L@SIVM, FOLIO-L@SIVM, ARCANA@GITVM1            |