Hello folks;
I want to  set up a particular  list here so that anyone  who subscribes gets
not one, but  two welcome messages upon subscribing to  the list. One message
is a poem and the other message  is a survey that the subscribers, members of
a class, are expected to fill out and return to their instructor.
Setting up  one welcome message is  something I know  how to do, but  I don't
know how  to have two separate  welcome messages sent out  separately. I also
want the  subjects of those messages  to reflect their contents.  Can this be
done or  must I just combine  the survey and  the poem into a  single welcome
message?  If it can be done, how?  TIA
  Stan  Horwitz  Internet: [log in to unmask]  Bitnet:  STAN@TEMPLEVM
  Temple University  -- Senior  Consultant (My  views are  all mine!)
  Manager of the Help-Net and Suggest lists and Listserv Postmaster.