On Thu, 22 Sep 1994 23:59:15 EDT Robert McConnell said:
>Please send info on how to <GET> the information on how to start a list.
Probably the best thing to do as a start is to find out what files are
 available at SEARN.  Send the message  INDEX to LISTSERV@SEARN
 and you will be sent the filelist.  Once you have determined which
 files you want send the message  GET <filename> <filetype>
 to the same address.
Jim Gerland at Buffalo maintains a package of information for new
 owners.  To get the list of files send the message: INDEX LSVOWNER
 to [log in to unmask] and then use the GET <filename> <filetype>
 (e.g.,  get lsvowner headers) command, sending it to the Buffalo Listserv.
Judith Hopkins
Technical Services Research and Analysis Officer
Central Technical Services
Lockwood Library Building
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY  14260-2200
Phone:    (716) 645-2796
FAX:      (716) 645-5955
BITNET:   [log in to unmask]
INTERNET: [log in to unmask]
Listowner: AUTOCAT@UBVM / [log in to unmask]