I own MEDLAB-L,a listserv for people who work in medical laboratories(a
very diverse group from all over the world-lab
Recently someone from the private sector joined the list whose company has
a BBS for customer support.He has offered to bridge MEDLAB-L through his
BBS to another lab discussion group on Compuserve(see below).I am not sure
of the implications of accepting his offer.Clearly more people will learn
of my listserv,but I am worried about potential adverse
effects,e.g.,unwanted advertizing being sent to my group and other unknown
Can anyone comment on what the implications of accepting this offer are? Am
I being overly cautious? Many thanks, Pat
thought is that my BBS can provide an automatic bridge between MEDLAB-L
and, say, the MedSIG LAB/Dx section on CompuServe. Then all MEDLAB-L
messages or those with MEDSIG in the Distribution could be echoed into
the MedSIG forum and responses to those messages posted back to
MEDLAB-L. I could probably do the same in reverse for those in the
CompuServe forum. You see that because of my commercial affiliation
I can easily make such things happen if it were of interest to you.
One of the biggest problems that I think we have in the laboratory area
is the lack of a single recognized "home" for electronic messaging. That
makes it difficult to promote the general concept. MEDLAB-L is, in
essence, in competition for postings with CompuServe, MTNET-L, USENET,
and so forth. If we can't pick just one forum and everyone moves there,
maybe we can electronically "merge" all forums into one LABNET
transparent to everyone. The advantage is that no one has to do anything
different and yet the selected audience grows by leaps.
"Round up the usual suspects."
-Captain Louis Renault
Pat Letendre
Medical Laboratory Science
B117 Clinical Sciences Bldg
University of Alberta
Canada T6G 2G3
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