I received the following note from one of our list editors.
Subscription is by owner on his list, and they require new
subscribers to fill out a questionnaire first.  I agree that
the CC: potential subscribers receive is confusing.  Is there a
way to send them something simpler or nothing instead?  They do
try to return the CC: themselves, rather than waiting for the
list owner to do it.
Vickie Banks
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---------------------  (Forwarded message follows)  ----------------------
> It would help end some confusion in terms of subscribers, if you would
> instruct listserv@msu NOT to send a CC: to subscribers of the message
> that I get from listserv noting the subscription request. I
> immediately send out to them our questionnaire, which, once
> returned, I then instruct listserv@msu to add them to our list. But
> 2 or 3 subscribers have already complained to me that they thought
> they were already added or that they tried to follow the listserv
> instruction (to me) included in the CC: and were feeling frustrated
> when nothing happened.