On Wed, 7 Sep 1994 13:22:16 EDT W. K. (Bill) Gorman <34AEJ7D@CMUVM> wrote:
>I get a ton of errors of the following form for all of my lists:
>>---------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>The enclosed mail file has been identified as a delivery error for list
>>EQUINE-L because it was sent to the reserved 'owner-equine-l' mailbox.
>Can anything be done to prevent this?
1. Send a 'LOCK EQUINE-L' command to [log in to unmask]
   If nobody can "post" anything to the list,
   no "delivery-error" messages can be generated.
   Note: this is not a very practical suggestion. :-)
2. Appoint somebody else as the "owner" of the list,
   and LISTSERV will send the E-mail to him/her, instead of you.
   I volunteer.  (No "smiley", I'm serious!)
3. Create a separate ID on the your system,
   and appoint that ID as the *first* 'OWNER=' keyword in the list-definition,
   and specify 'Errors-To= OWNER'.  Then, LISTSERV will send those messages
   *only* to that specific ID, rather than your "home" ID.
4. Analyze the *cause* of each of the "delivery-error" messages,
   and either politely inform the administrators of the system
   which generated the "delivery-error", and set the specific ID to 'NOMAIL'
   status, or ruthlessly delete the offender's ID from your mailing-list.