There  are two  ways  to  solve this  problem.  Both  involve creating  a
'listname MAILTPL'  file to modify  the message sent  to the user  when a
subscription  request is  received by  LISTSERV. You  can check  the 1.8a
release notes or the list archives for more information about doing that.
Anyway, the three options are:
1. Send the message only to the list owner. To do this, add:
                                 .CC OFF
   to the message template.
2. Put  the text  of the  survey directly in  the message.  The following
   template instructions can help:
   .TO &WHOM
Personally, I  would choose the  second option.  This saves time  for the
list owner  and the user  doesn't get impatient if  he's not in  the same
time zone :-)
Note that  .TO was  introduced after  1.8a. I believe  it should  work on
MSU's  server, which  runs LTCP.  But it  will not  work on  vanilla 1.8a