> Hello there,
> Many have discussed about a welcome message.
  The Welcome message is actually becoming more important as decorum
  declines and new users abound. Mine tells participants what is
  expected of them and gives them help with fundamentals about mailing
  etc so that all of the command messages do not end up posted to the
  list etc. I very specifically tell them what is for the listserv,
  what is for the list and what is for me. It works fairly well and as
  I have said before the participants maintain a high standard of
  internet participation. I find that most people never ask for the
  REFCARD so that even if they are signed onto dozens of lists they
  do not understand the basics. I put the most important RECARD Info
  in my welcome.  The Welcome also provides a little history of the
  list's evolution so that you know if you want to signoff rightaway
  and also tells you how to signoff. -- Paul.
> I have been using modified MAILFORM (1.7f and older) and now MAILTPL (1.8a).
> Respectfully,
> Spiros
Dr. Paul S. di Virgilio,  University of Toronto  [log in to unmask]