Our site recently installed LISTSERV 1.8 for VMS.  I am the manager of
the LISTSERV and am trying to get up to speed.  I have attempted  to
follow the discussion on WELCOME messages for a list but may have missed
the answer to the following question.  I also have read most, if not all,
of the LISTSERV help documentation but again may have missed an  obvious
How does one add a WELCOME message (or any other message) the the list of
files which can be accessed from a LISTSERV DIRECTORY?  The lists I have
set up to this point have a directory in which message digests or stored..
Thanks in advance for any help with this,
Michael I. Starr                        Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Manager, Computer Operations            3080 Broadway
[log in to unmask]                        New York, NY 10027
(212) 678-8901                          (212) 678-8002 (fax)