I would like to get rid from the following type of error message:
>The enclosed mail file, found in the HBONE-L reader and shown under the spoolid
>5648  in the  console log,  has been  identified as  a possible  delivery error
>notice  for  the following  reason:  "Sender:",  "From:" or  "Reply-To:"  field
>pointing to the list has been found in mail body.
 I would like to *allow* a message containing this kind of lines.
 The Listserv documentation warns that one should be careful if
 modifying the LOOPCHECK attribute, and contact lstsrv-l before doing so.
 That's what I'm doing now.
 Please help.
 Pasztor Miklos               [log in to unmask]
 1132. Victor H. u 18-22. I. em. 125. | Tel:  (36-1)-129-48-41
 Institute for Computation and Automation,
 Hungarian Academy of Sciences