Can someone attempt to remove my confusion about how to end a
listserv job? I believe I saw in the document on databases the form:
  //xxx job ...
but I believe the "/*" gets an error message.
Likewise in the document on the job feature, I see:
  //xxx job ...
  //xxx eoj
but the //xxx gets a similar error message.
How should I end the database search job? (Everything actually
seems to work, but I have this aversion to being told I did
something wrong...)
Possibly related, is there anything I can put after my last
listserv command in e-mail to a listserv that means "this is all
that is of interest to you; please ignore any sig or other lines
that follow this point"?
  Pete Hoyle - William & Mary Technology Services Computing Support
  [log in to unmask] - (804) 221-4357   (221-HELP)