>We would like to implement this on an HP 9000/730 workstation running
>HP-UX 9.01.
>Where can I get this software?
I am sending you, under separate cover, the Usenet FAQ:
Summary: This posting contains the list of known Mail Archive Servers Software
Xref: news.cac.psu.edu comp.mail.misc:7134 comp.sources.wanted:6321
comp.answers:6978 news.answers:21700
Archive-name: mail/archive-servers/faq
Last-modified: Fri Sep  9 16:37:52 MET DST 1994
Version: $Id: archive_servers,v 2.4 1994/09/09 14:39:19 piero Exp $
                      Mail Archive Server Software List
             A Summary of Available Mail Archive Server Software
                            by: Piero Serini
                          [log in to unmask]
             $Id: archive_servers,v 2.4 1994/09/09 14:39:19 piero Exp $
         (C)Jonathan I. Kamens 1991,1992,1993 - All Rights Reserved
               (C) Piero Serini 1994 - All Rights Reserved
  Mail Archive Servers are programs  which  receive incoming  mail messages,
interpret them, and take action based on them.  For example, two tasks which
might  be  performed  by mail servers are handling  subscriptions to mailing
lists and redistributing messages sent to the lists; and delivering files to
users based on incoming requests.
[log in to unmask] "Spam-lite, is it Kosher?"   s/me      +1 814 863 1843
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