I am in the process of compiling a list of audio visual materials
available anywhere in the world. If you are a producer of audio
visual material and would like it to be included in this listing,
please forward your information in the following standard format.
If you know other organizations that produce AV materials, please
pass this form on to them to complete and return it to the under-
signed. You can send it to me in any of the following ways:
          Internet       [log in to unmask]
          Bitnet         vita@gmuvax
          Fax            703-243-1865
          Postal address 1600 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 500
                         Arlington, Virginia 2209, USA
           TITLE                 TYPE*              COST (US $)
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________
           S= SLIDES
           F= FILM STRIPS
Name of Organization____________________________________________
Mailing Address_________________________________________________
City_______________________ State _____________ Zip_____________
Country_____________________ Internet: _________________________
Thank you.
!  Brij Mathur                       Tel: +1 (703) 276-1800    !
!  Director, Information Services    Fax: +1 (703) 243-1865    !
!  VITA                              E-Mail: [log in to unmask]  !
!  1600 Wilson Blvd., Suite 500      Telex: 440192 VITAUI      !
!  Arlington, VA 22209, USA                                    !