Hello people;
A professor here  at Temple is running  3 Listserv lists for  his students to
discuss his courses. One  of the things this prof would like to  do is at the
end of the semester,  allow his students to send mail  to the Listserv groups
or to  him individually to evaluate  his teaching performance in  the courses
and his experiment of using E-mail and Listserv as a pedogical tool.
In order for this evaluation process  to yield the most honest responses from
the students, this  prof would like to  have the postings come  either to his
Listserv lists  or to him  anonymously so that none  of the students  need be
afraid of  tainting their  grades by  providing the prof  with a  poor course
My first reaction  to him was to  use one of the  anonymous posting services,
but this prof  would prefer not to  go that route if possible.  The reason is
that he is  concerned that if they  can post anonymously to his  list and any
other discussion forum, they might abuse the  ability. What he wants to do is
to have an account on this system that  the students can use for a short time
just  to do  these evaluations.  I am  not  too keen  on that  idea since  VM
accounts cannot be  used by multiple people simultaneously as  far as I know.
Does  anyone know  how  we can  accomplish this  kind  of functionality  with
minimum setup effort from a VM/ESA system?
I am also  crossposting this to lstown-l in case  anyone who subscribes there
has an  idea on how  this can  be done just  using Listserv. For  example, is
there a  way that the professor  can reconfigure his three  Listserv lists so
that  no record  is  kept  of who  sends  mail to  those  lists?  If this  is
possible, we could always  set up those lists to allow  this anonymity at the
end  of the  course  when  the instructor's  ready  to  accept the  students'
evaluations. Prior  to the  evaluation period, the  instructor needs  to keep
the  senders' names  and E-mail  addresses visible  because the  students get
graded on what they write to the groups.
  Stan  Horwitz  Internet: [log in to unmask]  Bitnet:  STAN@TEMPLEVM
  Temple University  -- Senior  Consultant (My  views are  all mine!)
  Manager of the Help-Net and Suggest lists and Listserv Postmaster.