On Sat, 1 Oct 1994 02:35:37 +0100 Eric Thomas said:
>>Your rebuttal is much too civil. Where's the Eric of the good old days?
>He doesn't like botching  up flames. If time is on too  short a supply to
>write a good flame, he stores it up for a later occasion :-)
   Besides, when it was the olden days Eric wasn't seling a product,
but was giving it away, and was a civil servant.  (or is that not the
right term...apologies if it is not)   Now as a businessperson, he has
to try not to piss off the customers, both actual and potential.
Of course what Natalie should do is convince her net gods to remove
the equivalency of msstate and ra.msstate.edu     and then at the
same time can convince OUR techies that they SHOULD register
the equivalency between idbsu and idbsu.idbsu.edu
oh, welllllll.....
  Dan Lester                          Internet: [log in to unmask]
  Network Information Coordinator     WWW: http://cyclops.idbsu.edu
  Boise State University Library
  Boise, Idaho  83725                 In the kingdom of the blind, the
  208-385-1235                        one-eyed man is king.  Erasmus. 1523