Hello people;
I am setting up  a Listserv list for someone here  at Temple. This discussion
group has a welcome file and a mailtpl  file that are intended to be sent out
automatically to each subscriber. The problem is  that I want this list to be
set  so that  Subscription= By_Owner,  but when  I do  that, the  welcome nad
mailtpl files don't  get sent out to subscribers.  With Subscription= Public,
the welcome and  mailtpl files do get  sent out to subscribers.  Why? How can
I have Subscription= By_Owner AND have those two files sent out automatically
to each subscriber?  Thanks.
  Stan  Horwitz  Internet: [log in to unmask]  Bitnet:  STAN@TEMPLEVM
  Temple University  -- Senior  Consultant (My  views are  all mine!)
  Manager of the Help-Net and Suggest lists and Listserv Postmaster.