Quoting Laurie M. Salopek:
> Everyone once in awhile, a user or two will subscribe to my list from this
> site. What happens then is that everytime listserv tries to send mail to this
> site, I receive the following note in my mailbox.
[highly uninformative non-delivery notice from ax.com deleted]
I can confirm this.  Since my list is moderated, these people don't get to
subscribe but the last list description I sent to this address (my usual
procedure when LISTSERV tells me someone tried to subscribe) generated about 50
of these error messages which arrived at intervals of about 1 hour.
I am currently discussing this matter with the person listed as tech rep for
this site on the NIC.
If I learn anything useful, I'll post it here.
  John Arnfield  /  [log in to unmask]  /  [log in to unmask]
  Dept of Geography, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1361, USA
                Tel: +1 614 292 7954  /  Fax: +1 614 292 6213