Listowner Folks,
This message is forwarded from the struggling list "free-market"
<[log in to unmask]>. I am a subscriber to that list, and I felt ya'll
might be interested in the approach of this attorney-user (Mike Mathieson
<[log in to unmask]> ).
One poster says the lawyer got thrown off of Compuserve for spamming, and
now appears to feel he has a CONSITUTIONAL RIGHT to do it on free-market!
For now the lawyer appears to have scared the list's owner (Rick H. Wesson
<[log in to unmask]> ) enough to get himself undeleted from the list after
fairly blatant advertising and claiming he (the lawyer) is the "center"
of the Internet!
Just for your information...
 Pax,  Dave                                        Absolute Power
Dave Kinnaman  <[log in to unmask]>  512/463-9321    Corrupts Absolutely
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 13:54:34 -0700
From:[log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: RE: I don't condone this--> CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING...
This is a friendly re-emphasis of my promise to follow up with a lawsuit.
if you inhibit my freedom in this so-called "free-market" maillist.  If
you do, I will sue, I make that a solemn promise, because I find many
arrogant people like you on the Internet who have set themselves up as
little dictators in one place or another.  I don't like this and find it
very Un-American.  And I am looking to find a court that will a precedent
so that this can not happen so much on the Net.  You will give me the
opportunity to set such a precedent if you proceed with your threat to
censor me and my words in your list.
I just want to give you fair warning.  That if you take such action:
1  There will be a lawsuit.
2. If I win, there will be no settlement. Because I am going after the
legal precedent, not necessarily the money you may have.
This is a very important decision for you to ponder for these reasons.
The legal fees alone just to defend this case could run in the hundreds
of thousands.  I am a lawyer and will represent myself with the aid of
the ACLU, if necessary, and this costs me nothing.  I'm the sort of a guy
who likes to set legal precedent especially as it regards the Internet
because the Internet is very important to me, as it must be to you.  I
will not, however, allow your opinions as to the nature of the Internet
be imposed on me.  This is just a fair warning.  There will be no more.
Think carefully before you do anything so rash as to endanger your
families life savings.  I will not change my mind, nor will I settle for
anything less than a complete legal judgement on this and if necessary am
prepared to take it all the way to the US Supreme Court.  What you have
threatened to do is illegal, immoral, unjust and un-American.
Mike Mathiesen
Name: Mike Mathiesen
E-mail: [log in to unmask] (Mike Mathiesen)
Date: 10/05/94
Time: 12:29:04
We are the NETCENTER, the "Center of the Internet".
---end of forwarded message---