On Fri, 18 Nov 1994 08:04:16 -0600 Winship said:
>> > * +LF1= userid@address /* real name */
>> > * +LF1= userid@address /* real name */
>With all due deference to Jim Gerland, our fine LISTSERV postmaster at
>UBVM, I *think* that should be
>*+ LF1= userid@address    rather than
>* +LF1= userid@address
>shouldn't it?  Or does it make no difference?
Yes, thank you for catching that typo.
>> And how can I add a generic "OWNER" to the list of other users (without
>> literally adding the list of current owners, which might change)?
The generic 'fac' OWN allows any (and every) Owner= address in the list
header manage those files.