Ive had this error message from UBVM. The peer referred to is in
Britain at UKACRL.
Subj:   Message ("Warning: a possible inconsistency has been...")
Warning:  a possible  inconsistency has  been detected  in the  network-wide
"List-ID" of the BALT-L list. The peer chain recorded in the list header was
"BALT-L@UBVM   BALT-L@UKACRL",  whereas   the   peer   chain  deduced   from
network-wide data contributed by the other servers was "BALT-L@UBVM". Please
take the necessary steps to correct  this error and/or contact the owners of
the other peers.
The header information at the other server does include "UBVM".
I note however that the peer address given in the subscribers index is
Do I now have to change this to UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu in the body?
Ive been operating for years without problems but coincidentially (?)
to getting this error message ive started to get mail failed notes for some
addresses at UKACRL written in INTERNET form and ending in .EDU
Old age? Glitches from software upgrades?
Puzzled of Milton Keynes.