---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 1994 18:37:44 -0700
From: Pat Letendre <[log in to unmask]>
> I want to add a special welcome to my list as well as other files.
> [....]
> (1)Is there more for the postmaster to do?
> (3)Specifically,is there something else I need to do first? What does
> "modify the filelist to add new files"mean? Apparently I am to do this
> before sending the actual files.
Yes, do before putting files up.
First, get the filelist and include the (CTL switch:
Then edit the filelist as shown below and send back to LISTSERV@UALTAVM
Make sure the PUT command is the first line.
Make sure filenames and filetypes are upper case.
NOTE: Filename and Filetype can each be a max of 8 characters, so I
changed the name of "SELECTED MEDICAL RESOURCES".
*  This file lists the programs that are stored on LISTSERV and can be
*  retrieved by network  users. Certain programs are  not intended for
*  common use and their retrieval is restricted.
*  If an entry shows nrecs=0  the file is not available.
*  This filelist may  be sorted in columns  47 to 63 to get  a list of
*  files in  the order of  their updates. Sorting in  descending order
*  shows the most recently updated files at the top.
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
*  The GET/PUT authorization codes shown with each file entry describe
*  who is authorized to GET or PUT the file:
*     ALL = Everybody
*:          'OWNER(MEDLAB-L)'
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
*                                                                       *
* MEDLAB-L declarations                                                 *
*                                                                       *
* Those filelists  which have a PUT  code of N/A are  either maintained *
* automatically by LISTSERV or come in as part of the LISTSERV software *
* package and can therefore not be changed by the installation.         *
*                                                                       *
*                             rec               last - change
* filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time   File description
* -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- ----------------
  MEDLAB-L WELCOME    ALL OWN .       .     .        .        .
  MEDLAB-L FILELIST   ALL MED F      80    29 94/11/25 11:05:14 MEDLAB-L
  MEDICAL  RESOURCE   ALL OWN .       .     .        .        .        .
 [....  Leave NoteBook/Log section as is]
Next send the files to the filelist.  Post each file to LISTSERV@UALTAVM,
with the following command as the first line of the post:
PUT [filename] [filetype] [listname] PW=XXXXXXXX
        put medlab-l welcome PW=XXXXXXXXX
        put medical resource medlab-l PW=XXXXXXXX
NOTE:  YOU do not need to include the listsname if it is the same as the
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