Is it something I said?  :)
I've had over 100 bounces today on two of my lists, almost all of which
were "no such user" bounces.  Was this a triple witching hour day when
sysadmins all over the place decided to delete old users?  As Bill the
Cat would say, "Ack!"  (Both lists are on INDYCMS.)
Of course, if INDYCMS had their mailer configured properly, auto-delete
would have handled the problem quite nicely.  But since INDYCMS doesn't
recognize "owner-xxxxxx-l" mailboxes, no such luck.  Private to Melvin
Klassen--Steve Fultz is "working on it."  According to my contact in
Computing Services, he wants to make sure he doesn't break something
else in the process.
Oh well, time to go worry about other things...but it would be interesting
to know if others have had the same experience today.  :)