On Mon, 5 Dec 1994 08:29:27 IST Hank Nussbacher <[log in to unmask]> said:
>a) The newnode tag does not affect the 'owner' tag in Listserv header.
Well, but I never claimed that  the newnode tag affected the list header,
the  FILELIST files,  the  SYSVARS  files, or  anything  beyond list  and
AFD/FUI subscriptions.
>b) Users subscribed with FULLHDR lose that option and revert to SHORTHDR
>when Listserv 'newnode' processing takes place.
That one is indeed a bug, and the fix will be included in 1.8b.
>>>LISTSERV-NJE doesn't support  running under a non-NJE  hostname. In an
>>>ideal world, you would have  installed LTCP first, and then everything
>>>would be working. For now, just  edit your local copy of BITEARN NODES
>>>to remove the :newnode, erase BITEARN LINKSUM2, and restart.
>WoW! I've been  reading quite a few  lists over the past  years but this
>eeny-teeny gotcha has not appeared once in nodmgt-l where it should have
>been stated.
Let's get  the facts straight,  Hank. NODMGT-L is about  node management.
That's a good place  to tell people that they need to  use a :newnode tag
to register a node change, and  what it will do to LISTSERV subscriptions
for their users. That's not a good place to tell people that LISTSERV-NJE
for VM won't work with a  non-NJE hostname, and that the circumvention is
to edit your local copy of  BITEARN NODES, remove the :newnode tag, ERASE
BITEARN LINKSUM2, and restart. That information  is not useful to Joe VAX
manager who  wants to  consolidate his VMScluster  or leave  BITNET. It's
only useful  to LISTSERV maintainers  and thus belongs on  LSTSRV-L. It's
not my fault that  LSTSRV-L isn't one of the many  lists you are reading.
If you'd run a routine search for "newnode" in that list, or asked Turgut
or me for  advice prior to making  your change, you'd have  found all the
info you  needed to  avoid the problems  you are now  running into,  as a
LISTSERV maintainer (as opposed to NAD/NCC).
>$64,000 question: How does one backout  a newnode tag? Can it be removed
>from the  BITEARN NODES file and  Listserv will come back  to life? What
>about future cycles?
Yes, and you can repeat the procedure with each cycle. But the whole idea
of :newnode is that  there isn't going to be a  future cycle, you publish
this tag,  wait a month, and  then pull the  plug on BITNET :-)  At which
time you no  longer have NJE, and LISTSERV-NJE doesn't  work without NJE.
There, it's been stated on NODMGT-L :-)