>100% BTW, why do you have a rush at the reference desk?  If they
>don't know the course material by now, how is reference going to
>help them?
Finishing up papers.  Also, many reference tools are good for reviewing
one's subject.  And there are the usual procrastinators -- or those who,
like I, have so damn' little time that we cannot work ahead on our
assignments and end up with last minute rushes.  It's not my choice, but I
must work within the time frames I am given.
Re: the rest of your query -- I'm keeping an eye out for that issue of the
Chronicle, now.  (It gets routed; I'm last on the list.  Of course.)  As a
listowner who has unsubscribed two people from my list, one for creating
such a tense situation that we had people -- valuable contributors --
complaining and even unsubscribing, and one for his inability to post a
reply that did not deliberately insult the original poster, I have some
interest in this matter.
Wouldn't at ALL mind seeing it discussed.
Mario "Sleep?  What means this word Sleep?" Rups
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