>What if we all adopted a policy of filtering any commercial site which
>originated a spam?  We could either post and/or set a message to any legitimate
>subscriber at this site explaining that because their service was
>irresponsible, they wouldn't be on the list anymore.  We could either do a
>limited suspension of list privleges or keep them off until they responded
>appropriately (e.g., cut off the spammer).
Er, _I_ have an ID on netcom (although not the one at which I receive
_this_ list).  Are you going to throw me off, as well as all of the others
who happen to use that service (and America Online, and Delphi, and
Compuserve, and...)
>Am I being too drastic?
You bet.
>I haven't actually done this--I just throwing out the idea.
Throw it further next time.
Lefty [gYon-Pa] <[log in to unmask]>
C:.M:.C:., D:.O:.D:.