On Tue, 13 Dec 1994 12:16:41 EST Bob Zenhausern <DRZ@SJUVM> wrote:
> Out [sic] list list has just been spammed by someone sending out commercial
> messages, and I have just forwarded his message back to him.  If everyone
> does this, he may get the idea that the Internet is not commercial and his
> messages are unwelcome.
If "everybody" does this, then all the "legitimate" subscribers
on that Internet Service Provider's machine will be affected,
not just the one "pest", probably due to a "full" disk-drive,
due to unforseen quantities of incoming E-mail.
IMHO, it would be "unwise" to take "revenge" in that manner,
i.e., "lowering-yourself" to the level of the "spammer".