On Fri, 16 Dec 1994 01:41:14 -0600 Winship said:
>On Fri, 16 Dec 1994, Aldo-Pier Solari wrote:
>> I'd  need some advice on the following: To my surprise, I have found
>> today that two US based lists have copied our FISH-ECOLOGY FAQ file.
>> No courtesy to ask, no acknowledgements.
>As I see it, you have two choices.  Place more restrictions on your list
>(question for those who know, does Notebooks= private also restrict access
>to the filelist?) or sue for infringement (this is assuming you have
>voiced your displeasure to the offenders to no good result).
Well, as one who thinks we Americans are WAY too fast to seek court
acttion, I would suggest a third option -
   o Add a "Copyright" statement to your FAQ
   o Send those folks a nice note thanking them for thinking your work
     was worthy enough for them to use ("Imitation *IS* the sincerest
     for of flattery").
   o Remind them that your FAQ is a result of your work and that you
     deserve and should receive credit for your work.
   o Let them know that you are dismayed with the way they seem to
     have appropriated your intellectual property
   o Let them know that you are willing to let them carry your FAQ
     as long as your copyright appears, you get credit for it, they
     don't modify it, and they don't make any money off your work
>You might try JUDGES-L@ubvm .  I believe they are set up primarily to
>handle disputes between listowners and subscribers (don't really know),
I don't think the judges-l list is setup to mediate discussion lists.
My understanding is that it is setup to handle the non-arbitrary canceling
of USENET News postings.
>but since your gripe is with other lists they might take it on.
Yes, maybe they could be encouraged to expand into this area.