I massage data from the LISTSERV STatistic command to generate
numbers like this every month.
Has any one some software to do this for me, or something close.
It seens like the ST output could be proram input, with a prompt
for the number of subscribers from the REView command.
Please, if you reply, keep in mind that I am *not* a programmer
and only know basic Unix and basic LISTSERV.
Thank you,  S.
Statistics gathered since 3 Nov 1994 (28 days)
Total (mail):                                988
Average (units/day):                          35
96 people posted 988 messages, an average of 35 a day and a
59% participation rate.  41 (42%) people posted one message;
I posted 219.  Of the remaining 54 (56%) half posted more
than 10 messages; the range was from 2 to 92; the average
was 13.