I don't know about anyone else, but for me this CONFIRM stuff can get
really confusing, in that it has a lot of different applications.
You have   Subscription= Open,Confirm  wherein the person can't
subscribe until the confirmation message has been successfully answered.
And you can use the keyword Confirm=  to set the number of hours the
potential subscriber has to answer the confirm message.
Then there is the confirm  under Validate= , which is totally different.
And there is Renew= which sends a confirmation message needing a reply,
as with confirmed subscription.
Can get really confusing if it isn't clear which CONFIRM someone is
talking about.  Perhaps need some other terms, or some differentiation
in the code (Confirm1 , Confirm2 , etc.)?
Dumb idea, maybe, but it does get one into a muddle at times (at least
this one).
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner