Thanks to Eric and Norm Aleks for their responses (privately) to my
questions. In case anyone else is interested, the answer is, don't use
yourself (as list owner) to test what happens when you add other users to
the list. When I tried it, as Eric suggested, with another user, it worked
fine. Eric says he will change that in the next version.
Again, this list is really a great help in debugging problems. Thanks!
|  Leon D. Wald                      3M Company                |
|  [log in to unmask]                    Storage Media Laboratory  |
|  (612) 733-3223 (Voice)            3M Center, 235-3B-30      |
|  (612) 736-6843 (FAX)              St. Paul, MN 55144-1000   |
|    The opinions are mine ... and certainly don't represent   |
|         the official position of 3M or anyone else!          |