>An error occurred while logging mail to the archives of the DEANS-L list. An
>incomplete copy  of the message  might be present  in the archive  file. The
>list is being held to prevent further occurrences of this error. Please take
>corrective  action and  issue a  "FREE DEANS-L"  command when  you want  the
>message to be reprocessed.
>Serious error occurred - traceback follows
>>>> Error X'00000011' opening file /listserv/arch/d/deans-l.log9501 <<<
> -> Severity: Warning
> -> Facility: Generic error codes
> -> Abstract: File/major entity not found
> -> I/O mode: Record write
I received this same message when I PUT my header back after changing the
digest section.  The error occured because I did not specify where on the
listserv that the digests should be stored.  The postmaster had to go in
and fix the problem of where the messages were to go and then he freed up
the list.
You need to contact the postmaster of your list so that they can correct
the problem.
Kathryn A. Smith
[log in to unmask]
EXOTIC-L list owner