On Sat, 7 Jan 1995 01:35:32 +0100 Eric Thomas said:
>On Tue, 3 Jan 1995 12:38:39 CST Chris Barnes <[log in to unmask]>
>>The proposal:
>>I would like to see the way that the "Editor" tag works changed.
>>Specifically, allow an optional argument to the value in the field such
>>that Listserv would know which values were to have posts from people
>>sent.  Those posts would be rotated equally amoung those people with
>>the argument.  For example:
>I have added a new "Moderator="  keyword for 1.8b, whose default value is
>the first editor,  which will do what  you want. All editors  can post to
>the list,  but only the moderators  have the messages forwarded  to them,
>with load sharing.
Thank you, oh most wise and noble sir!
And now the masses say in unison:
   we're not worthy, we're not worthy.
Chris Barnes                                 (409) 846-3273 (home)
[log in to unmask]                        (409) 845-9520 (work)
"A child was born to win, but too many have been conditioned to loose."
   - Zig Ziglar