> I'm trying to do a put request to listserv, except after several tries
> Listserv keeps responding with "Invalid password..."  After several
> attempts I started to wonder what Listserv thought I was trying and checked
> the logs.  It seems that 2 characters are being inserted in front of my
> pw=xxmypasswd, where xx are the invalid characters.
... and those two characters are "3D"?  Some mail-creating software,
notably Pine, will act funny if they detect any high-order characters in
the mail text you are trying to send.  Pine will take all instances of
"=" and translate it to "=3D".  (This will thus distort any "PW=" that
you need to send.)  It will also insert "=20" before all end-of-line
carriage returns.
The solution is to either strip the mail text of all high-order
characters, or find some mailer other than Pine to use to PUT that
particular document.
-- Roger Burns    [log in to unmask]