While I  don't have anything  against us  selling printed manuals  I just
want to  point out  that they're not  going to be  cheap. L-Soft  isn't a
publisher and  the potential market  is quite  small unless you  have the
necessary contacts to put the  book in bookstores. Printers normally work
in quantities of 1000  or more whereas I don't expect  we would sell more
than 200 copies,  if that. There are  only a few thousand  list owners to
start  with and  most will  be happy  with the  online version.  So we're
talking about  having to  buy the  minimum of 1000  copies at  rates that
already aren't  very good,  and then  selling only 1/5th  of that,  and 6
months later we  have to do it  again because there's a  new version, and
you want a free upgrade in the purchase price too :-)