On Tue, 7 Mar 1995, Brian Lingard wrote:
> About all I can think of to keep people from being seen as a subscriber
> to a particularly sensitive list, like say brain tumour etc is for each
> subscriber to be marked as a concealed subscriber.  I suppose the nosey
> could just collect their mail from the list and look at who posted it
> and assume peole posting to a list who are not known to be researchers
> or md's may have an interest in the subject.
        I'm very new to LISTSERV, but it seems to me that since the
server program generates the headers for the message, it should be able
to omit the From: line of the header if the list owner so desires.  That
way you couldn't just sign up for the list and  eventually piece together
a list of subscribers.
        I know that there are internet RFCs that state that the From: line
of a message should be a person, not an automated server, so it would
probably be incorrect to put
From: Mailing List Name  <listaddr@machine>
in the header, but how about:
From: Confidential List User
with no address.  Would that be valid?  Is that possible in current
versions of Listserv?
Lee Silverman
NetSpace Project