On   Fri,   17   Mar   1995  15:00:11   CST   Patrick   Douglas   Crispen
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>Two countries are misspelled in the "BY COUNTRY" output -- "Columbia"
Yep, I  knew about that  one. The info comes  from a file  called COUNTRY
FILE which I build regularly using a program that grabs the info from all
sorts of sources. One of them  had "Columbia" for "Colombia" and this was
dutifully copied over :-)
>"Phillipines" (which should be spelled "Colombia" and "Philipines").
Well, in  English this  is spelled Philippines  with one l  and 2  p. The
current COUNTRY  FILE has the  right spelling.  If an older  version said
"Phillipines" this would indeed by incorrect.  In that case I assume that
one of the sources my program  uses was initially wrong and was corrected
since then.