On Thu, 23 Mar 22:32 -0600, Geffrey Glencoe Thorpe <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I posted a question earlier. It was suggested that I post the "bounce" so
> that people on here could better  advise me. I have subscribed and
> unsubscribed two people from this address--ccmail.uhc.com--and they say they
> are getting some of the mail for a while, but now, nothing, again--the
> messages bounced, as below. One of the people, at least, really wants to stay
> on the list, and we're trying to figure out the problem.
I sent E-mail to the "postmaster" at 'UHC.COM' (United HealthCare Corporation)
and his reply may be useful:
+ From: [log in to unmask] (Mark Kittridge)
+ Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 13:37:13 -0600 (CST)
+ One problem might be that there is no [log in to unmask]
+ in our aliases file.  We do however have an [log in to unmask]
+ Why don't you try sending to [log in to unmask] and see if it works.
* The following diagnostics are produced.
* Why is the 'ORname' considered to be "ambiguous" ?
* Thanks for investigating.
* __________________________
* * Recipient-Info: [log in to unmask],
* *         /RFC-822=RDahlbe1(a)CCMAIL.UHC.COM/PRMD=Internet/ADMD= /C=us/;
* *         FAILURE reason Directory-Operation-Unsuccessful (6);
* *         diagnostic Ambiguous-ORName (1);
* *         last trace Thu, 23 Mar 1995 21:21:09 -0600;
* *         supplementary info "Autoregistration Failed - rejecting mail";
* Your message was not delivered to   [log in to unmask]
*         for the following reason:
*         Ambiguous Address
*         Autoregistration Failed - rejecting mail