Not really, but I got your attention, right!  Problem is with moderated
lists and the newest listserv has a solution with a new OK mechanism.
The problem is that FULL headers, the new default, keeps *ALL* the
headers, by design!  In particular, it keeps all the Received: headers.
This can be *great* for debugging.  However, with the old-style edited
list, we get 4 sets of headers:
1 set from subscriber sending the original note to the list
1 set for mail going *to* the editor for approval
1 set for mail coming *from* the moderator
1 set finally going to the list.
We rapidly exceed the hopcount for some systems.
In the note that started me thing about this, each of the above sets had
4 hops in it, which caused the entire note to *appear* to have 16 hops already.
The latest (beta) version of listserv uses the 'OK' mechanism for approval
which will avoid the last 3 sets of headers and should solve the problem.
New syntax is Send= EDITOR,HOLD.  Listserv holds the mail until it gets
approved.  For now, some lists may have to change to SHORT headers.