Hello Listserv Maintainers;
Yesterday, I created a  list called hillel-d. This list is  to be paired with
a  list  called hillel-l  which  is  at least  a  year  old. When  I  created
hillel-d, I accidentally included the  List-Id= hillel-L instead of hillel-d.
This wiped  out the  subscription list of  hillel-l. I  subsequently replaced
hillel-d with the correct List-Id statement and I thought I fixed hillel-l by
replacing it with its hillel-l oldlist  which was still on the Listserv here.
I did this from the postmaster account by typing:
tell listserv cms copyfile hillel-l oldlist a = list a (rep
Now, despite  what I  did, whenever  I post a  message to  hillel-l, Listserv
thinks its  intended for  hillel-d. If  I review  hillel-l, I  get hillel-d's
info. I checked on Listserv here and  the hillel-l list file is intact, but I
just can't  get Listserv  to understand  that fact.  Any suggestions  will be
Stan Horwitz, Consultant    | Bitnet           | Internet
Temple University           | V4039@TEMPLEVM   | [log in to unmask]
Manager of Help-Net and E-mail postmaster for VM.TEMPLE.EDU and TEMPLEVM