On Fri, 7 Apr 1995, Eric Thomas wrote:
> On    Thu,    6   Apr    1995    14:56:51    -0400   Dan    Cwiertniewicz
> <[log in to unmask]> said:
> >Is there  any way  to have LISTSERV  send a message  back to  the sender
> >along with  the original message? What  I'm looking at needing  to do is
> >terminate a list,  but I want to  let people who are not  members of the
> >list, but who send to it, know that this is happening.
> With 1.8b  you can use  the optional POSTACK1  template which is  sent to
> anyone posting to the list. You then keep the list with no subscriber, ie
> the message gets essentially discarded. Or  you could just have your mail
> system point to a program that returns a custom message.
I can't find any documentation on POSTACK1.  How does it work?