Now that I've registered my Listserv machine in the so-called "BITEARN
NODES" I get these distributions from other Listservs almost constantly,
it seems. But when I stop getting them, I get worried. Sometimes I'm
convinced that some fault is causing these connections to fail.
Is there any way I can tell? Normal sendmail processes continue to work.
My Listserv continues to respond. I'm thinking it was better before I
joined BITEARN.
  / \ / \
 | o   o |    Dixon E. Berry
  \ /V\ /     Manager, Academic Information Systems
  .^^^^( )    New York Academy of Medicine
  |   (   )   1216 5th Avenue
  |  (     )  New York, NY 10029
  |  (     )  [log in to unmask]
  |/  (   )   212-876-8200 x335
  /    ( )\\
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