You can do
* Owner= (OWNERS-L)
Then you create the list OWNERS-L and add all your list owners to it.
(Obviously it doesn't have to be <called> OWNERS-L--that's just an
example.)  If you do this, you should definitely define an Errors-To:
keyword; otherwise everyone on OWNERS-L will get copies of the
error messages.
Another possibility:
* Owner= [log in to unmask]
* Owner= Quiet:
* Owner= (OWNERS-L)
* Errors-To: Owner
This way you have defined a primary owner who will get the delivery
errors and the mail to owner-<listname>.  The primary owner is also
a member of OWNERS-L, but he shouldn't get duplicates because OWNERS-L
is a quiet owner.  When the primary owner goes on vacation, just
GET the list, substitute the name of another owner, and PUT the list
back.  Actually I like this one better--it gives Joe Random Subscriber
the address of at least one person who can address subscriber problems.
On Mon, 1 May 1995 11:25:16 EDT Samantha J. Scolamiero said:
>A related question to changing the listowners while the
>principal list owner is away. On BRAINTMR there are several
>people who assist with list maintenance. To simplify things
>(actually it was the only way I knew how to do it) I added
>them as list owners. I need to add some more. I don't want
>to have a list of say 8 listowners in the header. Is it possible
>to subscribe another list as an owner? -samantha [log in to unmask]