I am the admin for a mail list that is losing its home.  What I am
looking for is a listserv site that can host the NE Raves CyberTribe.  In
terms of volume the list boasts an extremely verbose crowd of over 350
users.  Average daily mail is about 50 posts with over a hundred occuring
I am hoping that there are some free services still available on the net,
but I am not counting on it.  If there is a fee for use site I am still
interested.  Listserv software is what I am most interested in but I will
go to Majordomo if necessary.  I don't need database or archiving
functions (those are done at an alternate site).
If anyone can suggest a site or help in any way, please let me know.  The
most important thing is finding a home for us.
,._-_  < \, \\/\  _-_        _____ [log in to unmask]  ~~~~~---____  Peace
 ||    /-|| || | || \\  _+--=         __                              Love
 ||   (( || || | ||/   _             _            ~~       =          Unity
 \\,   \/\\ \\/  \\,/  ~~~~~          |            danFREELove        Respect