On   Mon,    29   May   1995    10:31:28   +0200   Herman    Van   Uytven
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>Listserv seems to  reply to the address is the  Sender field. This seems
>not  correct to  me,  although I  guess  there is  a  good technical  or
>historical reason.
Why  does it  seem  incorrect? :-)  What  seems incorrect  to  me is  the
gateway's behaviour. I can only see two possibilities:
1. The gateway inserts the "Sender:" field because it wants this field to
   be used by programs for some reason or other. Indeed LISTSERV uses the
   field as  the gateway expected. The  real question is why  the gateway
   does that, given that you say this address doesn't work.
2. The  gateway inserts the  "Sender:" field for aesthetical  reasons, in
   the hope that it will not be  used by any program. Well, that does not
   seem very smart to me.