The LISTSERV  file system is  generic. You can  define any file  and give
anyone the right to GET or not  GET it. In principle you give list owners
full  access to  a filelist  attached to  their lists  and you  give them
access  to the  MAILTPL file,  but  this can  all be  overridden or  done
differently. LISTSERV  can't make  assumptions like  "the list  owner can
always modify the  MAILTPL file, and he  also has full access  to this or
that filelist". Sometimes  it simply isn't the  way it is set  up. So, if
you want to imbed a file of  arbitrary name LISTSERV needs to make a full
file access  verification, which means  it needs a single  userid against
which to check the access and to  which complaints will be sent if access
is denied.