You said:
> I  don't know, I
> just find it hard  to believe that there are all that  many owners who do
> NOT want to keep a local copy  of policy/info files about their list. For
> instance, it wouldn't occur  to me to use GIVE when I  can just imbed the
> file in my reply.
> Like just  about everything it  CAN be implemented  as you say,  but this
> sounds like a feature that would be used only by a handful of people.
I certainly keep copies of our policy/info files.  But I keep
them on my pc at home; I don't have enough room for them on the
system from which I send mail.  So to send one of these to to
someone from here involves uploading it through a modem link.
GIVE is a *big* help to me.
I do most of my work on the lists from here at home, but I also
connect from my office.  When I do that, I have no access to my
I suspect that this kind of arrangement is not uncommon amoung
list owners.
                          Peace,  Dan
<<  Daniel D. Wheeler          Internet:  [log in to unmask]  >>
<<  University of Cincinnati     Bitnet:  wheeler@ucbeh       >>