On Mon, 19 Jun 1995, Eric Thomas wrote:
> Incidentally,  I  find  the   part  about  "foreign"  communication  very
> interesting.  It  appears  that  the  US has  now  decided  that  it  has
> jurisdiction  over the  entire  world :-)  As far  as  mailing lists  are
This has been the claim for some time (check out the various cases against
lots of people, all non-citizens who never set foot in the US in their lives,
who were kidnapped by US agents, to stand trial for violating US law).
> concerned, it also appears that a  foreigner happily posting to a foreign
> list in a foreign country would  have the responsibility to obtain a list
> of all the subscribers and see if by  any chance one of them might not be
> from the US, and if so further  check that such subscribers are not under
> 18. Otherwise, by posting to this foreign list he would become a criminal
> in the US. I am sure the lawyers who are going to have to fight this case
> will find this very interesting :-)
You betcha, also very lucrative.  Ever read _Bleak House_ by C. Dickens,
with its material on the old English Courts of Chancery?
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner