On Mon, 26 Jun 1995 14:00:52 EST, Maureen Leblanc <[log in to unmask]> said:
>If I do as the possible spam message suggests, and re-submit the message
>to the list, it will, of course, appear twice on UseNet. I have about
>25 messages here that I could re-submit if I was into getting burned
>at the stake by angry UseNetters.
>Short of putting out a distribution called oh, say ...The Possible
>Spam Times, can anyone think of what I can do about this?
Probably not very appealing, because it will almost certainly be
difficult to do, but you could insure that the Message-Id of your
resent note is identical to the original message-Id.  Then newsreaders
will discard your resent notes as duplicates.
>As ever, thanks in advance for any and all help and/or advice!
Good luck.  I'm not familiar with an MUA that will allow you to do
>Maureen LeBlanc (HWY61-L)