It looks like we'll be moving from the IBM version of Listserv to
a UNIX version for most of our lists very soon.  Also I'll be
moving my moderator account for EDTECH from IBM to UNIX.  A
couple of questions to ease the transition.
Since we gateway to Netnews, I need to be able to moderate EDTECH,
yet have the mail go out with a From: line showing the address of
the subscriber who wrote the message, and the moderator in a resent
line.  So far the only mailer that I'm sure does this correctly
it Ricemail on the IBM.   Can anyone list some mail programs that
can be used on UNIX or on a POP server that will generate the
kind of resent lines Listserv wants?  I don't want to have every piece
of mail sent out look like it was written by the moderator.  Eudora, Elm,
and everything else I've tried so far don't work.
Also, we want to move the archives.  They're all in IBM format.  So
when you try to look at them in Pine or other UNIX programs, it won't
break them down into individual pieces of mail again, as Ricemail on
the IBM would.  We're looking at converting the archives to HTML
format as well, but it seems that the conversion programs also want
the mail in UNIX mail format (breakable to individual pieces) before
they work.  Does anyone have a quick solution to converting archives
from IBM to UNIX format?  Possibly a conversion program that one can
find somewhere that works?
Thanks for your help.
Vickie Banks
H-NET Technical Assistance
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